J. Parlour & Son
Anaerobic Digester and Fercell Bowmatic Rotacrex Waste recycling mill Repairs and Maintenance, also Parts and Equipment Design and Manufacture.
South Otterington, Northallerton, North Yorkshire, DL7 9HJ, United Kingdom.
We are currently in the process of a major reconstruction of the firm. Two of our team are over or approaching 70 and the younger ones are only interested in Anaerobic Digester and Rotorcrex work. All our farm machinery except a telehandler has now been sold. We reserve the right to decline other services although it's always nice to see visitors. Because of lots of good feedback about useful info on our website we are leaving open several sections just in case there's anything useful. Please also note that two of our phone numbers have changed.
John, mob: 07788 725871, home: 01325 651068.
Email: johnparlour07@gmail.com
Head of AD work, Sven 07582 737469,
Email: svenharker1983@hotmail.com
Your Adverts
If you would like a free listing here or be de listed please email the info to johnparlour07@gmail.com or you could ring me.
mob: 07788 725871. home: 01325 651068. Click here for more info.
None of the info below is a recommendation by J. Parlour & Son.
Alphabetical listing by name and service or product.
This page is still under construction, July 23.
A5 Hydraulics, Darlington 01325 464354 Nick 07970 517791
ADD Contractor Darlington. 01325 483703
A & P Direct, Bottled gas, Paul Cadman 01325 363589
AW Trailers 01981 251558 Farm trailers
Adamson John, Agricultural Contractor 07966 164369
Agricultural Contractors see: Adamson, ADD, Wright, Freeman
Agricultural Engineers see: Parlour, McTurk, Kearsley, Atkinson, Bainbridge, Ogg, Ripon Farm, Paxton, Wood, Robinson, Russells, Sewards
Agricultural Trailers manufactures see: Woggin, AW, Bailey
Air Products, Bottled gas, 08457 020202,
Advertising go to: www.farmingmachines.co.uk
Anderson Scrap dealer Ripon 01765 604833
Atkinson Ron, Ag Engineer, 01609 882693. Mob 07801 836567.
Bailey Trailers Ltd. 01529 455232
Bainbridge Engineering, 01845 597655 / 07831 425056
Bale Trailers see: Woggin, Bailey
Balancing - chopper rotors etc see: Turner.
Bearings see: R & J, North East Bearings,
Bedale Skip Hire, 01677 422056 - Bernard
Bison Metal Working Machinery 01785 214242
Bolts and Nuts etc see: Parlour
Bottled Gas see: A & P, Air Products
Broatch, Commercial vehicle repairs, 01677 423889
Builder see: Freeman
Business Consultant see: Business Solutions
Business Solutions Bedale Ltd. Alan Hays 01677 423737
Calverts Scrap – Antony mob 07860 509000
Capital Tyres 01609 779916
Carbide tips for lathe tools etc. see: Cromwell
City Electrical 01325 356333, 01609 779681.
Clear Debt Solutions 0800 230 0981 www.cleardebtsolutions.co.uk
Commercial vehicle dismantler see: Shepherd John
Containers see: Mobile Mini
Conveyor Belting see: JD
Commercial vehicle repairs see: Broatch
Crop Sprayers and parts see: Kilnwick, Spray Track
Crop Spraying see: Wright
Cromwell Tools Stocton, for lathe tools etc. 01642 673605
David Brown Engineering 01484 465500
Debt collector see: Clear
Electrical hardware see: City
Engineers see: Goodall, Bainbridge, Parlour
Farm Machinery Hire see: Parlour, Robinson
Farm Trailers see: Woggin, AW, Bailey
Fertiliser spreading see: Wright
Freeman Rob 07764 151082, Ploughing contractor and builder
Gas - bottled see: A & P, Air Products
Goodall John, J G Engineering 01845 578097
Guest Andrew 01636 700608 Mob 07860 637654 Kuhn power harrows.
JD Vulcanising Conveyor belting Etc 01287 651194 Mob. 07850 642144.
John Deere parts see: Young
Kearsley Pete Ag Engineer, mob 07931 646531 / 01609 774816.
Kilnwick Sprayers 01430 871222
Kuhn Power Harrow Specialist see: Wood, Guest
Machine Tools see: Rundle
Metal working machinery see: Bison
Mobile Mini Shipping containers 0800 9703070 James 01977 522887
McTurk Ross, Ag Engineer, 01845 537448 Mob 07905 327755. click here.
Muck spreaders, tankers, trailers, see SAS.
North East Bearings, 01642 244435
Ogg Norman F. Machinery sales, parts, contracting. 01575 540234. click here.
Parlour J & Son Ag Engineer, 07788 725871.
Paxton J G & Sons Ltd.​ Ag Engineers, Northallerton 01609 783331
R & J Bearings 01677 423031 Robert
Ripon Farm Services 01765 692255 sales 07721 483139 Steve.
Robinson Brian agri engineer and hire 01325 378552
Rundle John H 01205 480431 Machine tools
Russells Boroughbridge, Brian 01423 324848
Tyres and wheels, new and used see: Shepherd Peter, Capital
SAS Spreaders and Tankers, and parts, Richard 07880 552295, click here.
Sewards Sinderby, agri engineer, 01845 567407
Scrap Dealers see: Anderson, Calvert
Shepherd John Commercial vehicle dismantler, 01423 770309, 07918 070873
Shepherd Peter 01388 710166, 07831 624185 Second hand wheels and tyres.
Skip hire see: Bedale,
Slurry tankers and parts, see SAS.
Spraying - Crops see: Wright
Spray Track, 01423 322377, crop sprayer parts
Tools see: Cromwell
Trailers see: Woggin, AW, Bailey, SAS
Turner Joe, Balancing and other stuff 01789 763958
Woggin Merrick Trailers, 01280 702725 / 07799 836590.
Wood David 01302 872257 / 872585 Kuhn power harrows. 07913 165716
Wright Coll Agric contracting, spraying and fert spreading 07831 351532
Young Nick, second hand and new John Deere parts, 01673 828883
Ross McTurk Engineering, click the picture.