J. Parlour & Son
Anaerobic Digester and Fercell Bowmatic Rotacrex Waste recycling mill Repairs and Maintenance, also Parts and Equipment Design and Manufacture.
South Otterington, Northallerton, North Yorkshire, DL7 9HJ, United Kingdom.
We are currently in the process of a major reconstruction of the firm. Two of our team are over or approaching 70 and the younger ones are only interested in Anaerobic Digester and Rotorcrex work. All our farm machinery except a telehandler has now been sold. We reserve the right to decline other services although it's always nice to see visitors. Because of lots of good feedback about useful info on our website we are leaving open several sections just in case there's anything useful. Please also note that two of our phone numbers have changed.
John, mob: 07788 725871, home: 01325 651068.
Email: johnparlour07@gmail.com
Head of AD work, Sven 07582 737469,
Email: svenharker1983@hotmail.com
Advertise on this site.
If you would like an advert on this site you can have up to 75 characters, this size, including punctuation and spaces for free or 150 for a back link to www.jparlourandson.co.uk , just email me what you want and I'll insert it. If you would like more, eg. pictures or more characters, please ring 01609 773607 and ask for John senior or email info@jparlourandson.co.uk . I believe it is good for search engine optimisation to have links so even if no one sees your ad it could still generate traffic to your web site, if you would like a link you could give us one in exchange. If you would like your entry removed or altered please email me. I will include more info here when I get chance. I reserve the right to refuse any material for inclusion on this site without giving a reason for the refusal. I also reserve the right to alter the terms of this service, any time, without giving notice. I accept no responsibility for any mistakes or miss information on this site. If you find any mistakes you know where I am.