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Cousins points fit Tim Howard

The Cousins points are very good, as were the original Tim Howard, however Cousins have an advantage over Tim Howard in that they are multi piece, thus enabling the replacement of individual parts. 

Both, with our Cousins and Tim Howard points, the leg can be made to last indefinitely by protecting it with Hardox or Raex and chocky bar. We get our Raex from A J Marshall, they're very approachable and will deal with anyone.   

The picture on right is one of our adapted Cousins point assemblies. The standard Cousins will fit Tim Howard but parts of the frog are exposed to the soil. We made this frog from scratch and although similar in appearance there are significant differences. This shin and side leg protection is reversible.

See below a Tungsten Cousins point. We asked Mick Metcalfe (J J Metcalfe & Son) to braze the tungsten on, he is also a very approachable man. These points can last much longer, although not good on stones.

When we were at full chat with this stuff, we were looking into making these points from chocky bar or a chocky bar tungsten combination.

Chocky bar is much more impact resistant than Tungsten and also much cheaper. Please get in touch for more info on how best to use Cousins points, 07788 725871, although I believe all of this is going out of fashion because of the need for carbon sequestration.

Cousins point with tungsten carbide.
Cousins point with wing and shin protection
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