J. Parlour & Son
Anaerobic Digester and Fercell Bowmatic Rotacrex Waste recycling mill Repairs and Maintenance, also Parts and Equipment Design and Manufacture.
South Otterington, Northallerton, North Yorkshire, DL7 9HJ, United Kingdom.
We are currently in the process of a major reconstruction of the firm. Two of our team are over or approaching 70 and the younger ones are only interested in Anaerobic Digester and Rotorcrex work. All our farm machinery except a telehandler has now been sold. We reserve the right to decline other services although it's always nice to see visitors. Because of lots of good feedback about useful info on our website we are leaving open several sections just in case there's anything useful. Please also note that two of our phone numbers have changed.
John, mob: 07788 725871, home: 01325 651068.
Email: johnparlour07@gmail.com
Head of AD work, Sven 07582 737469,
Email: svenharker1983@hotmail.com
Phone numbers by name and service
Not complete yet
A & P Direct (bottled gas) Paul Cadman 01325 363589
A J Welding & safety Supplies Ltd. Aycliffe. 01325 311206 Mob. 07831 191828
A5 Hydraulics Ltd 01325 464354 Nick 07970 517791
Abbott Les. 01609 760144
Abrey and Son Ltd 01799 543208 for Kongskilde cambridge rollers and other stuff.
Adamson David 07860 228871
Adamson John, Contractor 07966 164369
ADD Contractor Darlington. 01325 483703
Advertising see www.farmingmachines.co.uk similar to autotrader except for farm machines. See also Agricultural Machinery below.
Agrator rotavator see Miller Charles
Agricast. Ring etc. prices in Agricast file. 01673 857619, Jim Robinson Mob 07971 116672, Fax 01673 857177. info@agricast.net
Agricultural Engineers / Dealers see: Agrisistems, Atkinson, Bainbridge, Bowe, Brock, Charnley, Dale, Kerr, Knight, Mcturk, Paxtons, Russells, Stewkley, Wood, Whyles, Williamson
Agricultural Machinery - second hand see www.agriaffaires.co.uk, www.agmachine.com, Brock, Whyles, Ogg
Agricultural Machinery and / or accessory manufacturers and / or inporters see A5, Agricast, Armstrong, Astwell, Aubrey, AW, Bailey, Bale, Bainbridge, Beaver, Berma, Bomford, Brice, Brown, Bunning, Doe, Dowdswell, Easterby, Ellis, Farmfab, Fleming, Grays, Guest, Hunton, Kilnwick, Kongskilde, Marsden, Marshall, Mason, McConnel, Metcalfe, Parmiter, Red, Rekord, Rundel, Rytec, Shelbourne, SMS, Spaldings, Standen, Strimec, Sufling, Teagle, Techmagri, Thistlewate, Twose, Tyremart, Reves, Opico, Watson, Weaving, Wecan, Weighell, Western, White, Williams, Woggin, Wolds
Agrisistems Boroughbridge. 01423 322269
Air Products 08457 020202 Agent A & P Direct (Cadmans Gas) 01325 363589. For advice on gas see www.airproducts.co.uk/connect
Airey Mike 01282 861732 / 07717 323261
AJ Welding & Saftey Supplies Ltd. Aycliffe. 01325 311206 Mob. 07831191828
Alderson, Grange Fm, Girsby, Darlo, 07715 002700
Allenby Terry 07711 436091
Almond Arthur Carlees Farm 01609 883342 / 07764 468998
Almond Kevin. 01609 772794
Alpha Punch & Machinery Ltd, Doncaster. Steelworkers and punches. 01709 866083 Mob. 07918745660
Alton Towers 08705 204060
ANC Middlesbourgh. 01642 241111
Anderson Scrap dealer Ripon 01765 604833
Andrew Arthur 01609 766899 mob 07779 556768
Andrews Johnathan, Debt recovery. 08432 896328
Architect - see property
Armstrong & Holmes 01400 261061 Farm Trailers
Ashton Neil Steel Fabrication, Sandhutton. 01845 525288 mob. 07831666169
Astwell Augers Ltd. 01832 735300 also cement mixers
Atkinson J T, 01609 772774 Builders Merchant
Atkinson Nick 01748 818010 email nickatyam@uwclub.net
Atkinson Rob. 01325 378221. Mob 0802 651880
Atkinson Ron 01609 882693. Mob 07801 836567
Auctioneers see Lithgow, Sweeny Kincaid.
Augers see Astwell, Brice, Gutridge, Rotospiral.
Auto and Industrial Friction Services 01462 834778 www.autoandindustrial.co.uk
Auto Electrics see Mackay, Northallerton, Ripon
Auto Factors see Brown, Plunket, Halfords, Millgate, Page, SAS
Auto Repairs see Station, Springfield, Shafto
AW Trailers 01981 251558 Farm trailers
Aycliffe Mini Buses. 01325 303130
Aycliffe Rec. 01325 300800 or 300500
B T - One Plan Plus - Claire Saysell - Tel 01325 741150 option 5 - Fax 01325 741151
Bailey Alan 01325314084
Bailey Pat 01325 311243
Bailey Trailers Ltd. 01529 455232
Bainbridge Engineering 01845 597655 / 07831 425056 www.bainbridge-engineering.com
Balancing - chopper rotors etc see Turner
Bale trailers Merrick Woggin 01280 702725 / 07799 836590
Ballast Rollers see Fleming
Banner Fluid Power Ltd 01234 215407. Our Swager
Banners see RGPS, Direct
Barclays Bank 0845 7045045
Barclays Bank N/A 01609 852021 / 0845 6052345 online banking www.ibank.barclays.co.uk
Barker H S 01609 772889. Jonathon mob. 07801 694233. Peter (works for Barkers) 07968 226691
Barker Neil, Greenberry Fm, Great Langton, 07941 307488
Barker Phillip Mob 07711 618874
Barley D 07740 106784 / 01845 567310
Barley Peter Sinderby 01845 567277
Barley Roger 01845 567514 / 07846 200041
Barron Maunby 01845 587435 Tim Mob. 07808 576027
Bauer see Tram, Kramp
BBC Radio 2. 0800 022022
Beadle Sue 07971 849840
Beamish 01207 231811
Bearings see Polar, North East, R & J, Royce, Bucher. Disc harrow bearings see Disc,Wych Bearings
Beautyman George 01325 350718 Mob 01302 553783
Beaver Sales Retford 01777 700611. Profilab points importer. Points made by Forge New?
Bedale Skip Hire 01677 422056 - Bernard
Bedale Tech 01677 422344
Bell Henry 01609 981691
Bently Kepwick 01845 537302 Craig 07
Bepco 01544 231144 Rep Dave Bennet 07734 292814
Berma Italy 0039 0376 97315 Candido, www.berma.it Email berma@berma.it
Best John 01609 777423
Billingham Forum 01642 551381
Bishop Aucland College 01388 443000
Bison Metal Working Machinery 01785 214242
Blenkiron Keith 07885 228253
BOC Depot Aycliffe, Speedarc. 01325 301666
Bolts nuts etc. see Teesside, Kramp, Ripon also the firm that Agricast are involved with
Bomfords. 01789 773383
Bootham Welding Supplies 01904 430910
Bosomworth Cyrl 07921 621175
Bouer pumps / parts etc. see Tram, Bucher.
Bowe Keith 01609 780263 Mob 07557 798386. email: info@otteringtonpark.com
Bowe Wilf 01677 422163
Bowler Energy, solar panels etc. 01283734171 mob 07824141570
BP Supplies – Uniform 01642 762109
Brakes relined see Auto and Industrial Friction Services, Fleet Factors
Brice Baker 01480 216618
Briggs and Stratton dealer see Gen
Bright bar see steel
British Rubber Co (Mr Patchett) 01274 585427
British Steel, General Steels, Welded Tubes Technical department. John Tilly. 01536 404120
British Steel, Teesside. (Cleveland Iron – Pig Iron). 01642 458311
Britton Mark 07729 163807
Broadwith Dave 07740 086224
Broadwith Jef, 07703 441724
Broatch (transit repairs) 01677 423889
Brock J, Stuart 01371 830353, Second hand tyres and wheels
Brock, Thaxted, Essex. Farm machinery dealer 01371 830353, Rick
Brompton Autospares 01609 772736 or 779928
Bronze, brass, copper, alluminium, stainless, cast iron see Holme, Smiths.
Brown Baydale 01325 463366
Brown Bros. Darlo. 01325 357254
Brown Charlie 01609 776684
Brown David Engineering 01484 465500
Brown Ian 01325 310691
Brown Gerry 01845 537649 M 07977 934575
Brown Tom 01609 778832 / 07761 323408. C/w tractor or not
Brundle wrought iron components 0121 3278999
BSL Aycliffe 01325 300999
BSS. 01642 675421
BT local business account manager Claire Saysell 01325 741150 option 5
BT line fault reporting, Residential 0800 800 151, Business 0800 800 154 or go to www.bt.com/faults/track
Bucher (Agricultural) Ltd - Tel 01787 477958 - Fax 01787 476840
Bucket edge see Midland or Bainbridge. MST can cut them from plate and drill hardox 450 but not 500 Brunell. Ploumans can plasmer cut holes
Buckets for loaders and diggers up to 10 ton see White
Buddist Centre 01325 365265
Budget Machinery Burneston Bedale, Machine tools, 01677 424023
Builders Merchant see Jewsons, Atkinson,
Bunning Robin / John 01362 860352
Burgess John 01609 779797 Mob 07801 687557, His direct drill see www.agriculture-de-conservation.com
Burma see Berma
Bushes, made to individual specifations see Polar, plastic for bushes see Direct
Business Link. Bill Langhammer 07740 173984. Silvia 01904 686000
Business Solutions Bedale Ltd. Alan Hays 01677 423737
Business's for sale see Knightsbridge
BY. PY. 01584 873012
Ogg Norman F. New and used farm machinery sales and parts and contracting. 01575 540234. email: kinwhirrie@gmail.com, web: www.normanfogg.com