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Free school meals

June 2020. Recently a famous footballer, can't remember his name, has deservedly been praised in the news for promoting free school meals for pour kids. Also Jame Oliver, admirably, a few years ago designed a healthy school menu but I suspect they'r barking up the wrong tree. It’s a well known fact that children won’t willingly eat healthy food. It’s certainly true in my experience. I, my kids, my school mates, would not eat healthy food. The reason for this is that there's too much tasty food around. If we had free, healthy school meals for all we could be quids in all ’round.

For a start few kids would eat them so the cost would be low.

Along side the free food the school could have a profit making buffet with chips and chicken nuggets etc. so the money earned would go towards funding the free meals and maybe add to school funds.

They could charge less, because of less overheads, than any next door McDonald’s etc. and so help keep the kids on site and thus reduce the risk of them getting into danger.

It would be a feather in the cap of any government who introduced it.

If any kids actually ate the stuff they would be healthier thus reducing the burden on the NHS.

Poor families couldn’t complain because they would be getting free food.

Rich families couldn’t complain because they would get the same benefit, also they may pay less tax because of the profit from selling junk food to the kids.

If you can think of any negatives please let me know.

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